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BREATHWORK: ⛓️Letting Go: It’s Gonna Hurt...Brace Yourself⛓️

⛓️Letting Go: It’s Gonna Hurt….Brace Yourself⛓️

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” 

~Jack Kornfield

Letting Go is Bullshit.

It’s hard to let go, it’s hard to let something be when you are convinced you have something to lose.

Letting Go = Loss

Period. End Of Story.

We like to hold on to things, situations and especially people because they directly and indirectly fulfill our need innate for certainty. Certainty is a human need that motivates and drives many decisions we make. Letting Go…often entails a large amount of uncertainty. And that is unacceptable and terrifying. Even when relationship has reached its conclusion or one or both of you are unhappy, there is still a measured amount of certainty. So whatever you do…Hold On!

The past will only rear it’s ugly head and give us a future if exactly what we’ve gotten. So we use this painful past experience to justify your current life state. And we Hold On.

Hold on in order to ensure that you can…

🧯Avoid Uncertainty

🧯Stay in Comfort

🧯Confirm that The Devil You Know if Better Than the Devil you don’t

🧯Avoid Pain

🧯Avoid Conflict

🧯Avoid Change

🧯Avoid Loss

🧯Mitigate Damage to your Ego




Join us for a night of investigating the pain of Letting Go. And how holding on too long prevents us from becoming who we are meant to become.