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HAMMOCK 🔮 Yoga Experience 🔮

Join us for a night of High to Low Hammock Yoga!

This will be a full sensory experience.

What is it to see?

What is it to smell?

What is it to hear?

What is it to taste?

What is it to feel?

Tap into each sense as it arises and tap into the depth of the sensory experience that will follow.

We will explore the senses through the physical body and notice the innate strong connection between our senses and our spiritual plane of existence.

This is a full body experience meant to release your mind, body, and soul in tandem.

“…the soul does not require the organs of sense in order to see,

hear, smell, taste, and feel, in a much more perfect state;

but with this great difference, that in such a state,

it stands in much nearer connection

with the spiritual than the material world.”

~ Carl Jung

✨The benefits of Hammock Yoga and flipping upside down are amazing for both the mind and the body. ✨

When you flip upside down you disrupt your normal rhythms.

Reduce the pressure on your spinal column, relax your back muscles, and rehydrate the discs in your spine, reduce nerve pressure, realign the spine and relax tense muscles. Increased muscular strength, kinesthetic awareness and proprioception.

Giving your back the opportunity to decompresses, creating more space in your spinal column so Synovial fluid can flow freely.

The hammock presses into your fascia, helping to lengthen tissues and create pressure around your lymph nodes, draining your lymphatic system. Refreshes the digestive system and circulatory system.

Inversions increase the blood flow to the brain, giving it more oxygen and nutrients and making the brain function faster and better. This improves concentration, memory, observation and boosts clear thinking.

From the high hammock we then move into a low hammock, the positions we take help open the hips, creating more space in the spine. This helps to alleviate herniated discs/bulging discs in the spine, giving the opportunity for realignment.

Nice and easy, gentle movements. Less is more.