The Child is Grown
The Dream is Gone
And I have Become
Comfortably Numb
~Roger Waters
Emotional Blunting
So dulled you neither feel up nor down. No euphoria, No despair, just Numb. Cut off from your own emotions and feelings. Unable to experience true connection. Destined to be an outsider. Seated outside the crowd in every way. Unable to sense or process the physical, emotional, and social stimulations that everyone else can so easily access. Everyone else feels these connections, and you cant.
Completely unable to Love or be Loved. Never tapping into the euphoric essence of life that all humans strive for. Self-awareness put on a pedestal as the ultimate goal in this lifetime, yet not for you. becayse you my friend are numb, incapable of emotional intelligence, physical connection, and undeserving of any kind of human connection.