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BREATHWORK: 🐌 Elusive Happiness: 🐌

🐌 Elusive Happiness 🐌

Slippery Little Sucker

The Pursuit of Happiness.

In todays society we have miraculously unlearnt how to be happy.

Instead, we have turned it into a pursuit: the ultimate goal to be achieved. So we take the drugs, go on the journeys, and get the Instagram likes.

When we don't get it, there is most definitely something wrong with us.

Happiness is a science. The science of happiness tells us that neurological chemicals like dopamine and serotonin causes us to feel more or less happy in life.

We are wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Hence we seek the presence of our good friends serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins to ensure our persistent Happiness.

Serotonin is released and more free-flowing when you feel important or valued by those around you. Happy.

Dopamine is the reward system – released after sex or a good meal, or when you’ve reached a personal goal. Happy.

Endorphins are the body’s natural pain relievers, produced by the pituitary gland and the central nervous system. Endorphins don’t just relieve pain, they also enhance pleasure. Extra Happy.

So we are each challenged to figure out how to quickly and effectively flood our brains with anything to get it to release these chemicals by our endocrine systems to ensure we are all HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY.

πŸ’ŠTake the Pill = Happy

πŸ’ŠDo the Drug = Happy

πŸ’ŠTake the Psychedelic = Happy

πŸ’ŠGo on the Journey = Happy

We know the science. We take the pills. We go on the Journey. We take the trip.

So after all of that why are we still not Happy?

Join us for a night of exploring why HAPPINESS seems to be so elusive in our lives.