7 Sacred spaces Nonprofit
7 Sacred spaces is a nonprofit ACTIVELY working towards creating SUSTAINABLE financial opportunities to communities and states encompassing national parks and public lands. Our programs bring communities of women together to fuel our summits, and bring income and resources to these regions. Collectively we can explore exquisite landscapes and help move seasonally dependent and tourist driven businesses and communities towards economic independence. Market exposure through non-resident programs creates new possibilities towards sustainable income generation and heightened awareness of services and attractions available in these regions.
our mission
To provide communities surrounding public lands new financial opportunities, exposure to a new demographic, expanded non-resident client base, and marketing resources to build businesses as well as long term market appeal to the unique landscapes and attractions of these regions.
our priorities
Strengthen Community Awareness
Explore and integrate non-residents into the local community to enhance the states financial economy. Strengthening the economy through building a strong connection between tourists and the goods and services provided by the local industry. Promote unique scenic attractions and enhance draw for tourism opportunities, creating a symbiotic relationship between the state and those exploring its beauty.
Promote Tourism
Actively increasing non-resident travel into towns surrounding national parks and public lands is paramount to creating a thriving economy. Educating groups about local business, tourism resources, and specific geographic needs of these communities provides target regions with authentic and sustainable economic growth. Marketing to a broader market base, as well as niche markets that will bring hightenend and consistent travel into these eclectic communities.
Cultural Education
Indigenous cultures and histories have been transformed over time, the loss of these cultural traditions and art has been threatened. Thus creating a need to preserve their inherent integrity. Maintaining the original cultural footprint has become pressing. We desire to support, educate about, and bring traffic into these specific cultures in order to bring an intrigue and respect that will promote growth and heightened support to these communities and their unique needs. Giving exposure to the rare offerings and arts that exist within their cultural design.
To Get Involved Reach out to Us!
Kimberly Elliott