executive program

 If 2020 is about clear vision than you should be closer to true alignment than ever before…Right?!

What did you learn?

Are you aware of your patterns?

How do you integrate what you’ve learned?

This program is designed to reflect on intelligent integration of the lessons we have learned over the last year. We will explore tools to break patterns, tap into your inner wisdom, and push out the lingering effects that 2020 has had on all 3 planes of existence. Investigate and incorporate the planes of mind, body, and spirit to find lasting clarity and build a foundation on strong personal alignment. Wake up out of the illusion and find clarity when experiencing life from a space of pure presence.


Kyria’s, Breathwork, and Hammock Yoga

Push stagnant energy out of the body through mindful physical movement. Feel the depth of emotions arise as energy is released from the physical being and new space and awareness is created. Establishing true alignment between the physical body and negative mental conditioning that holds us back from our true potential. Dive deep into intense inner physical and mental work to find the essence of a Mind-Body connection.

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Singing Bowls: Sound Healing

Utilize the vibrational healing of the sound bowls to clear out the endocrine system, mind, ad soul. Rejuvenate your being with clarity and alignment. Let the Crystal bowls move energy through you and clear space for healing.

Self Inquiry and Mediation

Re-route the Neural Pathways in your mind. Investigate the shadow side of the Self and take radical responsibility for your actions to find true freedom. Become one the the present moment and change your mind, body, and soul from the inside out. Change the mind and the body and soul will follow.


Ceremonial Retreat

Optional exclusive retreat for participants. Download about the experiences throughout the program as well the tools , lessons, and relationships built over the last 12 weeks. Let the healing settle as we relax and have fun as new friends in this magical space.

*Additional charge and pricing

Program Details:

  • 12 Week Program

  • Meets every other Friday from 6-8 P.M.

  • Weekly Guided Meditation on off weeks

  • Starts May 7, 2021

  • Price: $1500

  • Optional Retreat Price: To be announced

  • Strong commitment to your own physical practice throughout the program

  • Daily Journaling and Meditation with prompts

  • $300 down to save your spot

  • Payment plans available upon request. Email, call, or text.

  • Open to all Genders

  • Any Questions? Call or text Kacie at (385)377-2218